At the Corner of Footwear and Footwork

You will find swing balance, shot accuracy, and increased distance.

Moflex trains swing balance which leads to better swing consistency plus shot accuracy and distance.

Moflex trains your feet and ankles which is the foundation to improving your swing balance because the feet and ankles are the only part of your body in contact with the ground when swinging a golf club.

Your feet and ankles are the foundation of your golf swing. Correct alignment of the feet, ankles, knees, and hips in golf is critical for maximizing Ground Reaction Force, building a consistent swing path, and feeling good after 4+ hours on your feet.

Better Footwear… Better Footwork… Better Swing…

In order to generate proper power with stability and balance, a solid base is critical. Something as simple as limited range of motion in the ankles can be a precursor (or influencer) of characteristics such as loss of posture (especially by standing up), over-rotation (over-swinging), or too much lateral motion (swaying and sliding).  Golfers lose power by not being able to transfer their weight from the stable or “grounded” back leg to the front leg.

The inward movement in the back foot during the downswing is essential because it helps rotate the pelvis, otherwise, the pelvis could thrust forward when the heel comes up too early instead of rolling the foot inside (often due to tight ankles and a lack of connection (stability) with the ground). 

One area we often forget about relative to the golf swing is the feet and ankles which is the number one contributor to swing balance. A golfer who has limited ability in flexing at the ankle and stabilizing at the feet may have difficulty maintaining their posture during the swing and find they lose their spine angle simply because the ankle is not mobile enough to maintain flexion and the feet are not able to stabilize the rest of the body.

This overlooked aspect of the swing is rarely trained by professional instructors. As it relates to a good golf game, the ankles and feet are integral in supporting body rotation, while also facilitating a strong push into the ground for a powerful strike. A common issue that can develop is poor ankle dorsiflexion (aka "lazy ankle"). From a power perspective, the ability to squat at the start of the downswing and leverage the ground to create more force and club head speed will be impeded without good ankle dorsiflexion. It more commonly leads to off-center hits, because poor ankle mobility makes it tougher to stay in a steady posture during the swing and get the club to consistently bottom out in the right place.

When you consider the amount of weight, torque, and stress that stems from dynamic movements such as a golf swing, you have to marvel at the durability of the ankle. Ben Shear, one of the most well-respected trainers on the PGA Tour, says  “ankle mobility is crucial not only to the swings of the elite players he works with such as Luke Donald and Jason Day, but also the swings of once-a-week recreational golfers.”

What Moflex and Sqairz solves for golf:

Over 90% of people have inflexible ankles, poor foot stability, and lack balance which results in the greatest contributor to serious and painful structural problems and movement deficiencies throughout the body. Inflexible ankles and unstable feet affect the golf swing and improving flexibility in the ankle and stability in the feet go a long way to the overall improvement in your game.

The Answer:
A perfect combination for improving your golf game.
Moflex Golf Trainer & Sqairz Golf Shoe


Because Moflex’s competitive advantage is through a unique performance enhancement swing balance concept that is like no other golf training device on the market. Moflex’s ability to train the way a person distributes their weight and pressure through their feet and ankles during their swing is a proven concept and has been shown to improve shot accuracy, club head speed, and distance.  With the addition of the Sqairz Golf Shoe, a golfer can speed up the process of better performance during their swing, ensuring optimal “grounding” as mentioned before which leads to a better round of golf. Improve your ankle mobility and foot stability by training on Moflex and wearing the Sqairz golf shoe.

Better Footwear…

Better Footwork…

Better Balance… Better Golf…